'Life is the sum of all your choices.'


Hi there!

Everybody has dreams, if you want your
goals and dreams to become reality you
must move toward them consistently and
I'm a normal girl with a lot of plans for the
future, I'm Martyna and I want to
experience as many things as possible in
my life to not regret anything later.

'Everything you can imagine is real.'

P. Picasso

Saturday, November 26, 2016

2nd stop Chicago - the most 'Polish' place in the US

generalnie trudno jest mi znalezc czas na pisanie bloga miedzy sklejaniem filmikow, jezdzeniem do lekarzy, ubezpieczalni i praca. Pod koniec dnia zazwyczaj padam, kiedys mialam problemy ze snem, teraz wystarczy, ze usiade w poludnie i bez problemu zasne!!


Jechalam pociagiem z Michigan do Chicago!

Nareszcie przyszedl ten dzien - nasz wspolny 1 stop Chicago (moim pierwszym stopem byl Michigan)
Martyna - poznalysmy sie praktycznie przez Facebookowa grupe, 'Polskie au pair w USA' - te same daty wolnego i podobne zamiary co do podrozy, trasa itd. Lot z CA. 

Julia - poznalysmy sie w Darien, mieszkala 5 min ode mnie, potem zmienila rodzine. Okazalo sie, ze rowniez dostala wolne w tym samym czasie! Lot z NY.

Wszystkie mialysmy roznice czasu w glowach - dla mnie i Julki godzina do tylu, a dla Martyny 2h do przodu.
 Kiedys napisze posta na temat zmian czasu, granic itd. Kiedys zastanawialam sie czy sa ludzie, ktorzy mieszkaja na granicy dwoch czasow? 
TAK, a ich telefony szaleja (godziny).

  • Gdzie spalysmy? Couchsurfing u Seana (hejo, na pewno to czytasz!!!).

  • Jak dlugo? - 2 noce.
Spotkalysmy sie w poludnie w centrum, przed wiezowcem (w ktorym spalysmy). Generalnie nigdy nie korzystalam z couchsurfingu, nie macie pojecia jak sie balam! No, ale bylo nas 3. Trafilysmy do mieszkania - 2 dziewczyny i 1 chlopak - Nowa Zelandia, Francja i Wegry. W sumie to spodziewalam sie gdzies hosta, ale okazalo sie, ze byl w pracy. Wszyscy pozytywnie nastawieni, rozmowni, z bagazem doswiadczen i przygod. Studia, praca, podroze.
Szybko ruszylysmy na miasto, ale dlugo nie wytrzymalysmy.
Zdazylysmy skoczyc do sklepu cos kupic do jedzenia, a nasza dieta generalnie wyglada tak:
-sniadanie-owsianka, owoce, czasem jogurt i herbata
-lunch- bagel z creeme cheese
-dinner-popularne jedzenie w danym miescie albo po prostu 
makaron z sosem, ugotowane w domu!

 Wrocilysmy, poznalysmy chillujacego na kanapie hosta i ogladalismy wszyscy film, tak, prawie zasnelam!

Najbardziej brakowalo nam tego snu, uslyszalysmy, ze ktos wychodzi, wiec wypadalo zeby udawac, ze nadal spimy. Wstalysmy, zjadlysmy i lecimy na miasto, atrakcje Chicago:

  • Skydeck Willis Tower - 20$

  • The University Illinois at Chicago (free)

  • Millenium Park (free) 
(the Fountain, parki, Gate Cloud - fasolka, koniecznie przejdzcie pod nia!)

  • Navy Pier (free)

  • Lincoln Park (free)

  • Water Taxi - 8$ 

 taksowka po wodzie w centrum Chicago, robi wrazenie, ale nie unikniecie widoku budynku z wielkim napisem 'Trump' :(

  • Polska dzielnica (tanio!) 

 'Jackowo' – taaaaaakie dobre golabki i pierogi maja!!!

  • the ZOO (free) 
(szczerze, nie bylam podekscytowana, nigdy nie widzialam tak zdenerwowanych i smutnych zwierzat)

i warto rowniez wypozyczyc rower i po prostu jezdzic po miescie, nie zapomnijcie sprobowac Chicago Style Hot Dog! (ok. 5/6$)

Mozecie zobaczyc to wszystko na youtube!



Trudno bylo sie zebrac i jechac do nastepnego miasta... a na dodatek pomylilysmy miejsce odjazdu busa Greyhound (ja mowilam, ze musimy isc w prawo, a dziewczyny, ze w lewo, a tam byl Megabus – dwie najtansze linie do podrozowania) i bieglysmy jak szalone w druga strone majac tylko 5 minut – akcja jak w filmie, ale zdazylysmy w ostatnim momencie!

I zaczela sie ponad 12 godzinna (nocna z przesiadkami) podroz do Nashville,TN..

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

the 2 WEEKS trip - MICHIGAN - Amerykanskie mazury (video)


I came back from my trip about 2 weeks ago. Since that time I've been sorting photos and putting together the videos – it's definitely a lot of work. My kids has started going to school so I have plenty of time to do it.


New York, NY - Cheboygan, MI - Chicago, IL - Nashville, TN - Atlanta, GA - New Orleans, LA - Houston, TX - Austin, TX


Me, the Mom and kids got underway exactly at 5.30 AM, August 29th (the plan was to leave by 5 but it didn't work) – generally, we were supposed to leave a few days before but one of the kids had bday and we didn't pack on time.
The weather was awful, I haven't seen such a bad rain before (in here). It had been a beautiful (sometimes too humid) weather until that day.

I was pretty sure it was going to rain for that 16 hours and the visibility was seriously 0%. The weather was changing as many times as possible like my mind at the ice cream store !!! We could see how we pass the stormy clouds when we couldn't see the road because of the sun (that was kinda funny).
We had some breaks, I was driving through Ohio and Michigan, much less hours than HM. At the beginning I was kind of stressed because the car was packed with 4 other people, dog, suitcases, baggage etc. so driving was a little bit tricky (the weight) – so I was fully responsible for everything what would happen. Trust me, there are many crazy people on the highways. Anyway, we made it !
The HM parents welcomed me really warm (like I was related to them somehow)! I can't remember the time when I was so exhausted...
The view in the morning – enormous windows on the lake, something incredible. Calmness, the rest from problems and considerations – just a leisure – physical and psychological relaxation – I needed it.
Later, there was more people so we had a BQQ along with the 'next door' neighbors (the grandmas have known each other since childhood!) so they're all like a family.
I was only 2 nights in Cheboygan, I was kinda upset that I have to leave but on the other hand I was so excited to begin our crazy 2 weeks journey. My girls went to camp, I packed and I had to say goodbye to everyone. Unfortunately, going from that town to Chicago isn't that easy, there was no buses nor trains nearby. I drove to East Lansing with the HM's cousin and I got the opportunity to visit the University of Michigan State – a college town!

The next morning, the train arrived after 8 AM,
there was no return – I headed off.
Arrived in Chicago after 12 PM (the time zone changes 1 hour back), Martyna and Julia were flying from California and NY.
That was our 1st (mine 2nd) STOP !

The next note will be about Chicago!



wrocilam z mojej wycieczki jakies 2 tygodnie temu, ciagle sklejam filmiki i sortuje zdjecia itd. duzo z tym roboty. Wiec mam teraz na to czas, bo dzieciaki zaczynaja chodzic do szkoly.


New York, NY - Cheboygan, MI - Chicago, IL - Nashville, TN - Atlanta, GA - New Orleans, LA - Houston, TX - Austin, TX


Ja, Mama i dzieciaki wyruszylysmy dokladnie o 5.30, 29 sierpnia (plan byl o 5, ale nie wyszlo) - generalnie mialysmy wyjechac kilka dni wczesniej, ale jedno z dzieci mialo urodziny i nie zdazylismy sie spakowac. 
Pogoda byla dramatyczna, dawno takiego deszczu tutaj nie widzialam akurat wtedy kiedy byly tygodnie duchoty i slonca - trafilysmy na ulewe.
Juz bylam pewna, ze znajac zycie bedziemy tak jechac te 16 godzin, bo widocznosc byla 0% (serio). Okazalo sie jednak, ze pogoda zmieniala sie szybciej niz moje zdanie kiedy kupuje lody!!!
Mozna bylo zauwazyc jak omijamy, niektore chmury pelne deszczu jadac w sloncu!
Bylo kilka stopow, jechalam przez Ohio i Michigan, znacznie mniej niz HM. Na poczatku mialam lekkiego stresa, bo wiadomo auto zapakowane, ciezej sie jedzie i 4 pasazerow - wiec odpowiedzialnosc tez spadla na mnie. Uwierzcie mi, szalencow na drogach nie brakuje :) Ale udalo sie i dojechalysmy.
Dziadkowie przywitali jak zawsze cieplo i jakbysmy byli rodzina! Dawno nie bylam tak zmeczona..
Widok z rana - wielkie okna na jezioro, cos cudownego. Spokoj, brak problemow, przemyslen po prostu odpoczynek psychiczny jak i fizyczny - brakowalo mi tego.
Potem zebralo sie wiecej rodziny i mielismy BBQ wraz z sasiadami mieszkajacymi obok (babcie znaja sie od szkolnych lat!) wiec sasiedzi praktycznie jak rodzina.
W Cheboygan bylam tylko 2 noce, z jednej strony zalowalam, ze juz musze opuscic to miejsce, a z drugiej bylam gotowa na nasza 2 tygodniowa przygode!!!
Moje dziewczyny pojechaly na campa, pozegnalam sie ze wszystkim, musialam sie spakowac i ruszac. Niestety przedostanie sie z Michigan do Chicago nie bylo takie latwe, nie jezdzily zadne autobusy czy pociagi w poblizu. Pojechalam z kuzynem HM do East Lansing, przy okazji zwiedzajac the University of Michigan State - studenckie miasteczko !

Pociag nastepnego dnia z rana po 8:00,
nie bylo powrotu - wyjechalam.
Chicago po 12:00, Martyna i Julia lecialy z Californii i NY.

To byl nasz pierwszy (moj drugi) stop!

Nastepny wpis o Chicago !




Sunday, May 22, 2016

Breathe in the ocean

Hi, that was a busy time..
  • I've just started my driving license course, 
  • signed up for another classes,
  • Niagara Falls trip,
  • insurance problems - I'm gonna write a post about an American healthcare!!
  • working on videos and photos
  • and trying to organize my life

Sometimes you need to take a break from the busy World. 
Just forget about 
the problems, 
the past,
and try to start everything again.

Do not push yourself,
breathe in the ocean and enjoy the moment.
Find the confidence in yourself to get up and move your life forward.

I'm finally happy.

/ somewhere in Greenwich, CT

Polish -> 

Czasami musisz odpoczac od zabieganego swiata,
 po prostu zapomniec o problemach, przeszlosci i sprobowac wszystkiego na nowo.

Nie naciskaj na siebie, wdychaj powietrze oceanu i ciesz sie chwila.
Znajdz w sobie pewnosc siebie i odwage, aby wstac i isc przez zycie.

Nareszcie jestem szczesliwa.

/gdzies w Greenwich, CT 

Have a great day everyone.
Mine is pretty nice today ☺


Monday, February 29, 2016

TOEFL? answers to all your questions - click!

 Hi everybody,
I hate being sick (soooo I'm gonna write a post about these American Healthcare costs,appointments etc. - for example you can even pay for a blood test OVER 1000$ - not everywhere but it happens ) it's kinda hard to find a doctor or clinic which provides your insurance...

Okay, so let's talk about better things today,

some of you have heard about TOEFL and don't even know - what does it mean?

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
it shows your ability to understand and use English at the university level. It's also important if you want to study in an English - speaking country. 
The test consists of:
  • listening
  • reading
  • speaking
  • writing
What's more, people takes this test for various reasons such as:
-learners who just want to track their progress,
-applying for visas etc.

If you're interested in studying abroad (anywhere) for example UK, Sweden, Denmark, Australia or even Japan you should start preparing for this test soon because more than 9,000 colleges, universities and other institutions accept TOEFL scores - in over 130 countries!

Many of you keep asking me...
How to learn ?

It's a lot of hard work - you'll have to expand your vocabulary by for example reading books, newspapers, websites (translate unknown words), using Apps on your phone - I've found some interesting on Apple Store : Synonyms, TOEFL vocabulary, TOEFL Words (unfortunately, you have to pay for some capabilities),
learn all of the grammar tenses (I don't even know how many we have), 
really important - listening - you can watch movies, TV shows, travel to English - countries for vacations, speak and listen to the native person.

There's some more resources online that I'm gonna share with you:

How much does it actually cost?
It depends on a country - visit the website (for more information)
In the USA it costs around 200$.

If you're considering studying abroad - this is the first step to make your educational success come true!
There's some valuable benefits that I've noticed so far:
  1. International experience by studying and living in a foreign country. You'll see new places and meet fascinating people - its traditions, and its culture. In addition, you will become more responsible, confident or independent. 
  2. You can be fluent in English - remember, you'll talk this language all the time.
  3. That's a chance to experience a different style of education.
  4. Broaden your worldview - you can improve your skills, gain interests and be inspired by others success stories.
  5. Life experience once learned never forgotten - if you really wanna try it - do it. You don't want to regret something you didn't do - life's too short.
Photos taken last year, Oct 2015
To sum up, you know more about TOEFL, the next thing I'm gonna talk about is:
SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) 
Stay warm peeps,

Sunday, January 24, 2016

What happens in NYC stays in NYC... PART 1


long time no see ! 

Actually, my life is in such a mess - I have no idea WHAT I wanna do when I grow up - WAIT, I'm already grown up... that's a problem.
Take it back a few months and I had everything planned out but now, everything has got to be complicated. Being spontaneous is just living in the present I definitely enjoy it but thinking about the future can be pretty scary!!

Anyway, I'm not gonna complain about it anymore - we'll see how it goes.

Less words, more photos!

Walking down the Little Italy street.. I found a Mickey Mouse, we look similar lol

Whatever it is - I'm a butterfly!!!

Everytime I explore the NYC I enjoy it like a little kid, I love it.
That's a DUMBO view.

 Do you recognize these bridges? 

Who cares, I can sit on it. It's a World Trade Center in the background!

More breathtaking views,

it looks amazing, everybody should see it!!!

I'm sharing with u my last vid from sunny but cold New York. Weather forecasting isn't always accurate so it's always unpredictable and many people complains about it.
What else, I got used to it so it's not that bad although I'm freezing now.
All I need is Spring - coming soon.

The next post will be about this ridiculous snow storm in Washington DC and my NYC area.
Keep calm and stay warm!!!
Take care,

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